

By Diana Nagy.

A leaf is born of a shoot in springtime. It then endures the succession of seasons and its attending wind and rain, insects and butterflies. Comes autumn and the leaf turns yellow; it falls off the tree. Is the cycle over? Not if anybody has any say in the matter...
Diána Nagy shows great sensitivity and poetical sense in taking us through the vagaries of a leaf’s life. The night-time refuge of beetles, the feeding ground of caterpillars and the landing pad of butterflies, the leaf plays many parts to many animals throughout the book. As the colours fade and turn brown, our leaf looks forsaken. But once fallen off its tree, it comes to the rescue of a shivering hedgehog who will adopt it for life.


Un livre de Diana Nagy et Anna Miro.

Au printemps, une feuille naît d’un bourgeon. Au gré du vent, de la pluie mais aussi des insectes et papillons, elle suit le cours des saisons. L’automne arrive, la feuille jaunit et se détache de l’arbre. Le cycle semble fini, mais tout le monde n’est pas de cet avis... Avec sensibilité et poésie, Diána Nagy nous fait découvrir les aléas de la vie d’une feuille.


Impression en quadrichromie.
36 pages. 17 × 22,2 cm.
Septembre 2017.