Ours à New York


By Gaya Wisniewski.

Everyday Aleksander has the same boring routine to go to work. He walks to his workplace located in a gloomy building. There he organizes files all day long while his co-workers never actually notice him. But one day he meets an unusual creature: a bear sitting right in the middle of his path. The following day the bear is still there and he will try to encourage Aleksander to follow his dreams, along with an adorable fox plush. Will the two buddies succeed in helping Aleksander to get out of this routine and guide him to find his own path? And what if a couple of paintbrushes could change one’s life forever? So let’s hear the story of this big bear in a very big city and who is going to transform our young hero’s future!


Un livre de Gaya Wisniewski.

Aleksander mène une vie bien monotone : chaque jour les mêmes rues, chaque jour le même travail qui l’ennuie. Un soir, en rentrant chez lui, un immense ours lui bloque le passage et l’interroge sur ses rêves d’enfant. Mais quand on porte un costume et qu’on est sérieux, on n’a pas le temps pour ces choses-là… Ours saura-t-il aider Aleksander à retrouver le chemin de ses rêves ?

L’histoire d’un très gros ours, dans une très grande ville, qui va bousculer la vie du héros !


Impression en tons directs.
40 pages. 24 x 34 cm.
Novembre 2020.