

By Émilie Vast.

A hedgehog rolls down from the branch of a chestnut tree. Once on the ground, off he goes. He progresses into the unknown, walking and rolling, making light of every obstacles on his way! Along the way, he stumbles upon some ants, tadpoles, rabbits and an owl. He also unwittingly picks up souvenirs from his journey on his quills. This mish-mash is changing him into a completely different animal! Or is it...?
First released in 2011, this wordless leporello – Émilie Vast’s first book – is finally being reprinted. A second book, Batabata, set during nighttime, is coming out along with this one!


Un livre d'Émilie Vast.

Un jeune hérisson roule d’une branche de marronnier. Arrivé au sol, le voici parti en balade. Alternant marche et roulés‐boulés, il évolue dans la nature, se jouant de tous les obstacles ! Il croise fourmis, têtards, lapin et chouette, et récolte – involontairement – des souvenirs de sa balade dans ses épis… le transformant en une tout autre créature ! À moins que ?

Initialement paru en 2011 au Japon, ce leporello muet – premier livre d’Émilie Vast – est enfin de nouveau disponible… et un second volet, de nuit, Batabata, l’accompagne !


Impression en tons directs.

32 pages. 16 x 16 cm
Novembre 2022.