¥2,060By Florie Saint-Val and Étienne Exbrayat.
Today is the day when Otto has to deliver a parcel of the highest importance
to Madame Glisse. Here we go! Once underway Otto comes across many friends and discovers new landscapes as well as handy shortcuts... but his super-sandwich attracts attention. Watch out, here comes a starving dinosaur! Will Otto be able to take his parcel to Madame Glisse? And what exactly does it contain?
Florie Saint-Val and Étienne Exbrayat make use of squares and triangles to take us through a colourful adventure that will entertain no end!
« The story of Otto the postman’s eventful journey to deliver a mysterious package takes place in a geometrical world where objects have a tendency to multiply. The playful coloured geometrical illustrations recalling squared-paper drawings are only seemingly naïve. The illustrator’s ingenious talent in overcoming this technical limitation is the major surprise of the book. » Jury of BRAW 2018
Un livre de Florie Saint-Val et Étienne Exbrayat.
Aujourd’hui Otto doit livrer un colis de la plus haute importance pour Madame Glisse. C’est parti ! Sur la route, il croise des amis, découvre de nouveaux paysages et des raccourcis bien pratiques… Mais son maxi-sandwich fait des envieux. Attention, voilà un dinosaure affamé ! Otto parviendra-t-il à livrer son colis à Madame Glisse ? Que peut-il bien renfermer ?
Mention Prima Opera à la Foire de Bologne 2018 !
Impression en quadrichromie.36 pages. 24 × 16,6 cm.
Novembre 2017.