C'est l'histoire


By Anne Crausaz.

Four children are waiting for Madame Ourse. She comes in every week at the same time to tell them stories. Each to their own book, each to their own story. Once everyone gets cosy on the carpet the adventure can begin: they all listen to each other’s story and set off in the other dreamworlds.
This Is the Story offers ever evolving stories whose endings nobody knows but everybody can see arise and take shape. This book for smaller children can be enjoyed with all of their brothers and sisters: leitmotivs and simple images will allow the young ones to share in the story and its narration. Older children will be able to imagine and tell their little brothers and sisters how these four stories develop thanks to their single illustrating centerfolds.


Un livre d'Anne Crausaz.

Quatre enfants attendent Madame Ourse. Elle vient chaque semaine, à la même heure, leur raconter des histoires. À chacun son livre, à chacun son histoire. Confortablement installé sur un tapis, l’aventure peut commencer. Jardin printanier, sommets enneigés, exploration spatiale ou voyage sous terre, chacun nous laisse entrevoir un univers, tout en laissant une grande liberté à l’imagination du lecteur. Célébrant la transmission et le partage, Anne Crausaz nous conte des histoires en devenir. 


Impression en tons directs.
40 pages. 21,5 × 25,5 cm.
Septembre 2017.